
Homophones Study Notes-9

Homophones Study Notes-9


  1. caught – past tense of ‘catch’ to take hold of something

example – The police caught the thief.

court – a building where trials and other legal cases happen

example – They took their landlord to court for breaking the contract.


  1. suite – a set of connected rooms, especially in a hotel

example – I have already booked a suite in hotel Taj Samudra for my coming vacation.

sweet – having a taste similar to that of sugar

example – Santa gifted delicious sweets on Christmas.


  1. warn – to make someone realize a possible danger or problem

example – I tried to warn them but they didn’t listen and went to dense forest.

worn – past tense of ‘wear’ which means to have clothing, jewellery, etc. on your body

example – She has worn a very beautiful diamond necklace.


  1. lead – the part inside a pencil that you write with

example – The lead of a pencil was very sharp.

led – past tense of ‘lead’ which means to show someone the way usually by going ahead

example – We didn’t know the way to the zoological garden so the guide led us.


  1. die – cease to exist

example – Water the plants regularly else they will die !

dye – to change the colour of something, especially by using a special liquid or substance

example – She uses black hair dye.


  1. pause – a short period in which something such as a sound or an activity is stopped before starting again

example – There was a long pause before Khushi answered.

paws – the foot of an animal which has claws or nails

example – I found prints of lion’s paws in the jungle.


  1. sight – view

example – My grandma’s sight is still good.

site – location

example – Yesterday we visited our factory site.


  1. rain – drops of water from clouds

example – There will be rain in all parts tomorrow.

Don’t go out in the rain!

reign – hold royal office; rule as monarch

example – During the reign of Shah Jahan , many monuments were built in India.


  1. coarse – rough, not smooth

example – This is a very coarse woolen blanket.

course – a set of lessons

example – This year’s course of mathematics is very lengthy and tough.


  1. sent – past tense of ‘send’ which means to cause something to go from one place to another

example – She sent me a present from London on my birthday .

scent – a pleasant natural smell

example – The air was filled with the scent of flowers.

cent – a unit of money worth 0.01 of the US dollar

example – There are 100 cents in a dollar.