
Vocabulary Word Power Worksheet-18

Word Power Worksheet – 18


Choose the correct word for the given clue.

  1. "having no hair on all or part of the head"

(a) squaw           (b) sometimes  (c) ecosystems (d) bald


  1. "having a surface that is not rough; even"

(a) smooth         (b) address        (c) stockade      (d) appeared


  1. "nervous fear of performing before an audience"

(a) mesas           (b) stage fright (c) sometimes   (d) vigorous


  1. "part of the body between the neck and upper arm"

(a) shoulder      (b) howl             (c) rescued        (d) bore


  1. "belonging to the community; shared by all"

(a) communal  (b) scratched    (c) entitled         (d) disturb


  1. "collect or gather a crop"

(a) adobe            (b) telescope     (c) dire               (d) harvest


  1. "safe; tightly in place"

(a) uproar                                       (b) broadcaster

(c) loll                                              (d) secure


  1. "to make a hole "

(a) bore              (b) loon              (c) dialect          (d) blackmail


  1. "odd behaviours"

(a) eccentricities                            (b) deprive       

(c) congruent                                 (d) inquire


  1. "to find something"

(a) discover       (b) turbulence  (c) infield           (d) group


  1. "investigate or ask about"

(a) horizon        (b) pause           (c) inquire         (d) spare


  1. "to inflict or enforce without permission"

(a) tempo           (b) impose         (c) produce       (d) oxygen


  1. "not clear; not distinct"

(a) vague            (b) produce       (c) already         (d) argument


  1. "heavy and strong; muscular"

(a) adobe            (b) burly            (c) pause            (d) jeered


  1. "rubbed or scraped with fingernails"

(a) scratched    (b) change         (c) nutrients      (d) condemned


  1. "substances that feed or provide nourishment"

(a) group            (b) nutrients     (c) homely         (d) produce


  1. "not having knowledge, or power to do something"

(a) people           (b) receded        (c) vigorous       (d) unable


  1. "not having"

(a) without        (b) countless     (c) symphony    (d) dangerous


  1. "before now"

(a) argument    (b) already         (c) restoration  (d) weigh


  1. "hanging or swinging loosely"

(a) founded       (b) infield          (c) dangerous   (d) dangling


  1. "to taunt, ridicule"

(a) shove            (b) eon                (c) landscape    (d) jeered


  1. "Native American woman"

(a) squaw           (b) advantage   (c) tour               (d) kneaded


  1. "to increase in number; grow fast"

(a) decided        (b) papoose       (c) jeered           (d) multiply


  1. "to care about"

(a) peculiar       (b) sacrifice       (c) mind             (d) synthetic


  1. "in a way that is not fast"

(a) perilous       (b) slowly(c) inhabit                    (d) sacrifice


  1. "move skilfully"

(a) manoeuvre  (b) mountain    (c) irrigation     (d) luxurious


  1. "a short stop"

(a) cultivate       (b) purchase     (c) protect         (d) pause


  1. "the giving up of something for the sake of something else"

(a) lose                (b) unable          (c) suspense      (d) sacrifice


  1. "to fasten, hold, or bind tightly in place"

(a) lock               (b) violated        (c) donation      (d) transmission


  1. "an imagined story"

(a) commemorate                        (b) disturb

(c) fiction                                        (d) dismal



1-d;  2-a;  3-b;  4-a;  5-a;  6-d;  7-d;  8-a;  9-a;  10-a;  11-c;  12-b;  13-a;  14-b;  15-a;  16-b;  17-d;  18-a;  19-b;  20-d;  21-d;  22-a;  23-d;  24-c;  25-b;  26-a;  27-d;  28-d;  29-a;  30-c