
Homonyms & Homophones Worksheet-1

Homonyms & Homophones Worksheet-1


  1. Fill in the blank with CORRECT Homonyms.

Manthan arranged the _____ in two vases.

A. flours             B. flowers          C. floors             D. fliars


  1. Fill in the blank with CORRECT Homonyms.

Harish went back to ______ the door lock.

A. cheque           B. chose             C. chill                D. check

Try more english practice tests for prepositions

  1. Fill in the blank with CORRECT Homonyms.

The floor is made-up of ___ .

A. would            B. ate                  C. wood              D. eight


  1. Choose the CORRECT homonyms for the following definitions.

A large furry animal.

A. Beer               B. Bore               C. Bare               D. Bear


  1. Choose the CORRECT homonyms for the following definitions.

To close a package or envelope.

A. Ceiling           B. Soring            C. Sealing          D. Sewing


  1. Choose the CORRECT homonyms for the following definitions.

Water droplets condensed from the air, usually at night, onto cool surfaces.

A. Due                B. Do                  C. Dew               D. Die


  1. Fill in the blank with a correct homophone.

The _____ for the new day care has not been decided.

A. sight               B. cite                 C. site                 D. seat


  1. Fill in the blank with a correct homophone.

I _____ he is not going to show-up tonight.

A. new                B. now                C. no                   D. know


  1. Fill in the blank with a correct homophone.

The witness didn't show-up in the _____ .

A. court              B. coat                C. caught           D. coal


  1. Fill in the blank with a correct homophone.

Mrs. Adhikari is going to _____ a new babysitter for her children.

A. higher            B. heavy             C. hire                D. here


Answer Keys:

1. B; 2. D; 3. C; 4. D; 5. C; 6. C; 7. C; 8. D; 9. A; 10. C