
Useful things and their inventors Crossword

WORD BANK: Aeroplane, barometer, braille, electriclamp, penicillin, piano, pocketwatch, saxophone, sewingmachine, steamengine, stethoscope, telephone, telescope, television, xray.

Useful things and their inventors Crossword Worksheet Download



2. Invented by Rene Laennec

9. Invented by Louis Braille

11. Invented by Toricelli

12. Invented by Bartolommeo

13. Invented by Elias Howe

14. Invented by James Watt

15. Invented by Alexander Fleming



1. Invented by Wright Brothers

3. Invented by Thomas Alva Edison

4. Invented by Peter Henlein

5. Invented by Galileo

6. Invented by Adolphe Sax

7. Invented by Roentgen

8. Invented by Graham Bell

10. Invented by John Logie Baird