
Form and movement in animals Worksheet-8

Form and movement in animals Worksheet-8


Multiple-Choice Question:

  1. X-rays were discovered by __________ scientist.

(A) American       (B) British            (C) Italian             (D) German


  1. The gliding joint is present in:

(A) The ankle and the wrist            (B) The knee and the elbow

(C) The neck and the head             (D) The hips and the shoulder


  1. The role of human skeleton is to:

(A) Help in the movement of various parts of body

(B) Provide shape and support to the body

(C) Protect the soft internal organs

(D) All of these


  1. All vertebrates have an internal skeleton made up of:

(A) Cartilage        (B) Bones             (C) Both of these


  1. Snakes do not have:

(A) Backbone      (B) Limbs             (C) Bellies            (D) Scales


  1. Earthworms have tiny hair like bristles on their body to:

(A) absorb oxygen from atmosphere

(B) protect its body

(C) grip the surface and pull its body forward

(D) absorb moisture from the Earth’s surface


  1. Earthworm’s body secrets slimy substance because:

(A) It is poisonous and protects it from predators

(B) It helps in movement

(C) It helps in absorbing oxygen from the air


  1. The ____of earthworm runs through its body and holds all the body segments together.

(A) trachea                                       (B) liquid skeleton

(C) gut                                              (D) oesophagus


  1. Earthworm shows ____ movement.

(A) crawling         (B) gliding            (C) walking          (D) hopping


  1. The mucous by the foot of snail is helpful in:

(A) crawling

(B) protecting itself from tiny insects on the surface

(C) absorbing moisture from the surface of the earth

(D) none of these


Answer Key:

  1. (D)
  2. (A)
  3. (D)
  4. (C)
  5. (B)
  6. (C)
  7. (B)
  8. (C)
  9. (A)
  10. (A)