
Fractions Worksheet-11

Fractions Worksheet-11


  1. How many one-sevenths make one?

A. 17                    B. 1                      C. 7                      D. 5


  1. What fraction of the cards in the following group are diamonds?

A. 8/13               B. 5/13               C. 5/8                 D. 8/5

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  1. What is the sum of the shaded parts?

A. 6/12               B. 5/12               C. 6/6                 D. 7/18


  1. Which number should come in place of □

A. 1                      B. 2                     C. 3                     D. 7


  1. How many one-fourths need to be added to 2(1/4) to make 4?

A. 3                     B. 4                     C. 5                      D. 7


  1. What should be placed in place of “?” so that the part of the red on each side is same?

A. 1/5                  B. 2/5                 C. 3/5                 D. 8/15


  1. Which of the following is a proper fraction?

A.                                 B.

C.                              D.


Answer Keys

(11)–C; (12)–B; (13)–A; (14)–D; (15)–D; (16)–A; (17)–A