
Virgin Pina Colada

Virgin Pina Colada


Serves: 5 People

          1 cup ice

           1 1/4 cups pineapple juice

             1/2 cup milk

     1/2 cup heavy cream

     2 tablespoons white sugar


Prep Time: 10 Min

In an electric blender, blend ice, pineapple juice, milk, cream, and sugar.

Blend until smooth.

Pour into the glasses and serve.

Nutritional Information

Amount Per Serving  Calories: 367 | Total Fat: 23.4g | Cholesterol: 86mg


Refer the given recipe to answer the following questions:

  1. In which form is water used in this drink?

(A) Frozen            (B) Cold                (C) Hot                 (D) Normal


  1. How many ingredients are used to prepare this drink?

(A) Five                (B) Four               (C) Three              (D) Two


  1. In which form is pineapple required to make this drink?

(A) Sliced             (B) Chopped        (C) Grated            (D) Juice


  1. How many people can be served with this drink as per the quantity of the ingredients given?

(A) Six                  (B) Five                (C) Four               (D) Three


  1. How much milk is required to make this drink?

(A) ¼ cup             (B) ½ cup             (C) 1 cup              (D) 2 cups


  1. Which electronic machine is used to make this drink?

(A) Mixer             (B) Microwave    (C) Blender (D) Dish washer


  1. How much total time does it take to make this drink?

(A) 10 min           (B) 20 min           (C) 30 min           (D) 40 min


  1. What should be the consistency of the drink?

(A) Lumpy           (B) Thick              (C) Solid               (D) Smooth


  1. How much cholesterol is present in single serving of this drink?

(A) 80 mg            (B) 86 mg            (C) 88 mg            (D) 90 mg


  1. How much sugar is required to make a single serving of this drink?

(A) Less than half tbsp                    (B) More than one tbsp

(C) One tbsp                                     (D) Two tbsp


Answer keys
(1) (A); (2) (A); (3) (D); (4) (B); (5) (B); (6) (C); (7) (A); (8) (D); (9) (B); (10) (A)