
Vocabulary Word Power Worksheet-5

Word Power Worksheet – 5

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Choose the correct word for the given clue.
  1. "female human beings"
(a) immediately                            (b) full
(c) women                                      (d) two
  1. "British government which consisted of elected representatives"
(a) Parliament  (b) through       (c) quarter         (d) eclipse
  1. "piece of grassy land often used as a pasture"
(a) bullying       (b) meadow      (c) cautiously    (d) through
  1. "attached and set up correctly"
(a) touch            (b) leaves           (c) acrobats       (d) installed
  1. "moving toward a goal"
(a) progress      (b) borrow         (c) massacre     (d) congress
  1. "not many"
(a) play               (b) brilliant       (c) few                (d) astronomy
  1. "piece of grassy land often used as a pasture"
(a) appeal                                       (b) full
(c) opportunities                           (d) meadow
  1. "colonists against the British"
(a) repealed      (b) play              (c) Patriots        (d) gallop
  1. "the way things are outside"
(a) weather       (b) oppression  (c) supervise     (d) appeal
  1. "deserving to be laughed at"
(a) ridiculous    (b) weather       (c) angry            (d) cousin
  1. "the son or daughter of your aunt or uncle"
(a) available      (b) cousin          (c) yield              (d) taxes
  1. "a place where people live, work, or play"
(a) tend              (b) released       (c) cringed         (d) building
  1. "fly very high or fly upward"
(a) recovery       (b) soar              (c) knit               (d) grant
  1. "yearly calendar giving facts about the weather and nature"
(a) satisfied       (b) blinding       (c) orator           (d) almanac
  1. "one who uses goods or services for his own needs"
(a) satisfied       (b) instrument  (c) through        (d) consumer
  1. "prejudice in actions or in attitude"
(a) stunned                                    (b) foot
(c) discrimination                        (d) groveling
  1. "part of the horse's harness that fits over the head, including the bit and reins"
(a) bridle           (b) supervise     (c) foolish          (d) brook
  1. "being aware"
(a) turn              (b) conscious    (c) bore              (d) feather
  1. "to watch over what other people are doing"
(a) performance                           (b) supervise    
(c) laughingstock                          (d) installed
  1. "feeling sure of yourself"
(a) confidently  (b) stretching    (c) abolitionist  (d) pneumonia
  1. "speaking"
(a) buy                (b) prose            (c) quarter         (d) talking
  1. "making clear, exposing the truth behind a mystery"
(a) unravelling (b) full                (c) ingredients  (d) full
  1. "not old"
(a) little              (b) new               (c) provisions    (d) wavering
  1. "complete or partial hiding of the sun or moon"
(a) current         (b) occupation  (c) eclipse          (d) appearance
  1. "to put the hand on or against something and feel it"
(a) gallop           (b) succeed        (c) this                (d) touch
  1. "control"
(a) authority     (b) balance        (c) play               (d) season
  1. "writing or speech that is not poetry"
(a) appearance (b) borrow         (c) impatient     (d) prose
  1. "not make believe"
(a) partition      (b) real               (c) sturdy           (d) tricky
  1. "to amuse; to give pleasure to"
(a) cousin          (b) realistic       (c) entertain      (d) engineering
  1. "large birds that live near water"
(a) this                (b) soft               (c) cranes          (d) engineering

1-c;  2-a;  3-b;  4-d;  5-a;  6-c;  7-d;  8-c;  9-a;  10-a;  11-b;  12-d;  13-b;  14-d;  15-d;  16-c;  17-a;  18-b;  19-b;  20-a;  21-d;  22-a;  23-b;  24-c;  25-d;  26-a;  27-d;  28-b;  29-c;  30-c