
Our Life Giving Star

Our Life Giving Star


It is estimated that the Sun was formed about 4.57 million years ago. It is the star at the centre of the Solar system. It is the nearest star to the earth. Other stars are so far that they look as spots of light only. The Sun  is by far the largest object in the solar system and its interior could hold over 1.3 million earths. The Sun is a big ball of hot gases. It is not a solid and doesn’t have a definite boundry. The Sun produces huge amount of energy in its core i.e. it’s centre. The energy produced in the core travels through many layers of gases to it’s surface. This energy escapes as heat & light. Day & night on the Earth are due to the revolution of the Earth around the Sun.

Without it the Earth would be cold & dark with no life at all. Several dark spots are observed on the surface of the sun, which are called sun spots. These are small areas which appear darker than the surroundings because of low temperature.

The brightness of the sun can cause pain if seen with naked eyes.


Refer the given composition to answer the following questions:

  1. The sun looks like a ball but the other stars look like only points of light in the sky. Why?

(A) Because the Sun is not a star

(B) Because the Sun is very far from us

(C) Because the Sun is very near to us

(D) Because the Sun is a giant ball of superhot gases


  1. Why do the stars look like points of light in the sky?

(A) Because they are very small

(B) Because they are very cool.

(C) Because they are very far from us

(D) None of these


  1. Which of the following is a giant ball of superhot gases?

(A) The Moon      (B) The Earth       (C) The Saturn     (D) The Sun


  1. Where is the solar energy produced?

(A) Core of the Sun

(B) Surface of the Sun

(C) All over in the Sun

(D) It takes energy from other celestial bodies.


  1. Earth _________ around the Sun.

(A) Revolves                                     (B) Rotates


  1. The Sun has a definite boundary of rocks which give it a ball like shape.

(A) True                                            (B) False    


  1. What is the Sun?

(A) Satellite         (B) Star                (C) Planet            (D) Glacier


  1. Why do spots of the Sun look dark?

(A) Because they are very small.

(B) Because they are very hot.

(C) Because they are very big.

(D) Because they are cooler than the rest of the part of the Sun.


  1. We should look at the Sun to get our daily dose of energy.

(A) True                                            (B) False


  1. Day & night on the Earth occur due to:

(A) Revolution of the Earth around the Sun

(B) Rotation of the Earth on its own axis.

(C) Both of these


Answer keys
(1) (C); (2) (C); (3) (D); (4) (A); (5) (A); (6) (B); (7) (B); (8) (D); (9) (B); (10) (A)