
Give and take-Learn addition-subtraction terminologies worksheet-1


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Terms used for addition and subtraction

  1. 12 less than 34 is _____.

  2. 15 more than 75 is _____.

  3. 22 and 54 more is _____.

  4. Reducing 87 by 48 gives _____.

  5. Increasing 45 by 30 gives _____.

  6. The sum of 88 and 44 is _____.

  7. The difference between 98 and 25 is _____.

  8. Take 56 away from 99. We get _____.

  9. 18 added to 78 gives _____.

  10. 21 more than 63 is _____.

  11. 68 and 52 more is _____.

  12. Take 32 away from 52. We get _____.

  13. Reducing 58 by 23 gives _____.

  14. The difference between 65 and 26 is _____.

  15. The sum of 84 and 26 is _____.



  1. 22
  2. 90
  3. 76
  4. 39
  5. 75
  6. 132
  7. 73
  8. 43
  9. 96
  10. 84
  11. 120
  12. 20
  13. 35
  14. 39
  15. 110