
Give and take-Learn addition-subtraction terminologies worksheet-2

Tick the right statement and cross the wrong one:

  1. 13 less than 78 is 64.  [    ]

  2. 147 and 365 makes 513.      [    ]

  3. Reducing 486 by 78 gives 406.   [    ]

  4. Increasing 555 by 98 gives 653.  [    ]

  5. The difference between 646 and 248 is 398.        [    ]

  6. 896 - 438 is more than 456 + 123.       [    ]

  7. The sum of 486 and 784 is 1260.         [    ]

  8. Take 456 away from 999. We get 543. [    ]

  9. The difference between 333 and 222 is 555.         [    ]

  10. 454 and 245 makes the sum 699.        [    ]

  11. 10 and 6 have a sum of 16 and difference of 4.     [    ]

  12. 7 hundreds plus thirteen tens is 830. [    ]

  13. One hundred more than 765 is 775.    [    ]

  14. We will add 150 to 455 to make 555.  [    ]

  15. Sum of the three digits in the largest three digit number is 27.     [    ]