
Vowels Worksheet-10

Vowels Worksheet-10


Fill in the correct vowels and complete the word:

  1. G _ T _

A. U – E             B. E – A             C. A – E             D. E – E


  1. L _ _ GHTER

A. AU                  B. AI                  C. AE                  D. UA


  1. D _ _BT

A. IA                    B. OU                 C. UO                 D. AI


  1. C _ _ GHT

A. OU                 B. UO                 C. AU                  D. UA


  1. EN _ _ GH

A. OU                 B. UO                 C. AU                  D. UA


  1. ST _ _ T

A. AO                  B. UO                 C. OA                  D. UE


  1. SM _ L _

A. O-E                B. I-E                  C. E-I                  D. A-E


  1. ACT _ R

A. I                      B. O                     C. U                     D. E


  1. T _ _ L

A. IA                   B. EI                    C. AI                    D. IE


  1. FAV _ _ RITE

A. OO                 B. UO                 C. OU                 D. AE


  1. COL _ _ R

A. OO                 B. UO                 C. OU                 D. AE


  1. CL _ _ N

A. UE                  B. EA                  C. AE                  D. IE


Answer Key:

  1. C

Explanation: Only ‘A – E’ makes a proper and correct word – GATE.

  1. A

Explanation: Only ‘AU’ makes a proper and correct word – LAUGHTER.

  1. B

Explanation: Only ‘OU’ makes a proper and correct word – DOUBT.

  1. C

Explanation: Only ‘AU’ makes a proper and correct word – CAUGHT.

  1. A

Explanation: Only ‘OU’ makes a proper and correct word – ENOUGH.

  1. C

Explanation: Only ‘OA’ makes a proper and correct word – STOAT.

  1. B

Explanation: Only ‘I-E’ makes a proper and correct word –SMILE.

  1. B

Explanation: Only ‘O’ makes a proper and correct word – ACTOR.

  1. C

Explanation: Only ‘AI’ makes a proper and correct word – TAIL.

  1. C

Explanation: Only ‘OU’ makes a proper and correct word – FAVOURITE.

  1. C

Explanation: Only ‘OU’ makes a proper and correct word – COLOUR.

  1. B

Explanation: Only ‘EA’ makes a proper and correct word – CLEAN.