
Singular Plural Worksheet-10

Singular Plural Worksheet-10


  1. See the singular sentence and change it into plural:

The rose in the vase is quite fresh.

A. The rosies in the vase’s are quite fresh.

B. The roses in the vases are quite fresh.

C. These roses in these vases are quite fresh.

D. The rose’s in the vase’s are quite fresh.


  1. See the singular sentence and change it into plural:

The team which plays as a unit ultimately wins.

A. The teams which play as units ultimately win.

B. The teams which play as units ultimately wins.

C. The teams which plays as units ultimately win.

D. The team’s which play as unit’s ultimately win.


  1. See the plural sentence and change it into singular:

Clowns are funny, aren’t they?

A. A clown is funny, isn’t it?

B. A clown being funny, isn’t he?

C. A clown is funny, isn’t he?

D. A clown are funny, aren’t he?


  1. See the singular sentence and change it into plural:

A strawberry is a juicy fruit.

A. Strawberries are juices fruit’s.

B. Strawberries are juicy fruits.

C. Strawberry’s are juicy fruit’s.

D. Strawberries are juicy fruit’s.


  1. See the singular sentence and change it into plural:

The loaf of bread is not quite fresh.

A. The loaves of bread’s are not quite fresh.

B. The loaf’s of bread are not quite fresh.

C. The loaves of breads are not quite fresh.

D. The loaves of bread are not quite fresh.


  1. See the singular sentence and change it into plural:

She drinks a glass of water after her meal.

A. They drinks glasses of water after their meal’s.

B. They drink glasses of waters after their meals.

C. They drink glass’s of water after their meal’s.

D. They drink glasses of water after their meals.


  1. See the singular sentence and change it into plural:

Sunil wants to eat a pizza.

A. Sunil’s want to eat pizza’s.

B. Sunil is wanting to eat pizza’s.

C. Sunil wants to eat pizzas.

D. Sunil wants to eat pizza’s.


  1. See the singular sentence and change it into plural:

Every captain must know his team.

A. All captains must know his teams.

B. All captains must know their teams.

C. Every captains must know their teams.

D. All captain’s must know their team’s.


  1. See the plural sentence and change it into singular:

These sentences are positive.

A. This sentence is positive.

B. The sentence is positive.

C. This sentence are positive.

D. That sentence is positive.


  1. See the singular sentence and change it into plural:

What is your reason for not doing this job?

A. What are yours reasons for not doing these jobs?

B. What are your reason’s for not doing these job’s?

C. What is your reasons for not doing this jobs?

D. What are your reasons for not doing these jobs?


  1. See the singular sentence and change it into plural:

How did the ox enter the field?

A. How did the oxen’s enter the field’s?

B. How did the ox’s enter the field’s?

C. How did the oxen enter the fields?

D. How did the oxes enter the fields?


  1. See the plural sentence and change it into singular:

The players have gone to have drinks.

A. The player has gone to have a drink.

B. The player has went to have a drink.

C. The player has gone to have drinks.

D. This player have gone to have a drink.


  1. See the plural sentence and change it into singular:

Those women are working for a good cause.

A. That woman are working for a good causes.

B. That woman is working for a good cause.

C. That woman’s is working for a good cause.

D. That woman be working for a good cause.


  1. See the singular sentence and change it into plural:

That apple is ripe and red.

A. Those apples is ripe and red.

B. Those apples are ripes and reds.

C. That apples are ripe and red.

D. Those apples are ripe and red.


Answer Key:

  1. B

Explanation: To make the whole sentence plural ‘rose’ changes to ‘roses’, ‘vase’ changes to ‘vases’ and ‘is’ changes to ‘are’.

  1. A

Explanation: To make the whole sentence plural ‘team’ changes to ‘teams’, ‘unit’ changes to ‘units’ and ‘wins’ changes to ‘win’.

  1. C

Explanation: To make the whole sentence singular ‘clowns’ changes to ‘a clown’, ‘are’ changes to ‘is’ ‘aren’t’ changes to ‘isn’t’ and ‘they’ changes to ‘he’.

  1. B

Explanation: To make the whole sentence plural ‘a strawberry’ changes to ‘strawberries’, ‘is’ changes to ‘are’ and ‘fruit’ changes to ‘fruits’.

  1. D

Explanation: To make the whole sentence plural ‘loaf’ changes to ‘loaves’, ‘bread’ remains ‘bread’ and ‘is’ changes to ‘are’.

  1. D

Explanation: To make the whole sentence plural ‘she’ changes to ‘they’, ‘glass’ changes to ‘glasses’, ‘her’ changes to ‘their’ and ‘meal’ changes to ‘meals’.

  1. C

Explanation: To make the whole sentence plural ‘pizza’ changes to ‘pizzas’.

  1. B

Explanation: To make the whole sentence plural ‘every’ changes to ‘all’, ‘captain’ changes to ‘captains’, ‘his’ changes to ‘their’ and ‘team’ changes to ‘teams’.

  1. A

Explanation: To make the whole sentence singular ‘these’ changes to ‘this’, ‘sentences’ changes to ‘sentence’ and ‘are’ changes to ‘is’.

  1. D

Explanation: To make the whole sentence plural ‘is’ changes to ‘are’, ‘reason’ changes to ‘reasons’, ‘this’ changes to ‘these’ and ‘job’ changes to ‘jobs’.

  1. C

Explanation: To make the whole sentence plural ‘ox’ changes to ‘oxen’ and ‘field’ changes to ‘fields’.

  1. A

Explanation: To make the whole sentence singular ‘players’ changes to ‘player’, ‘have’ changes to ‘has’ and ‘drinks’ changes to ‘a drink’.

  1. B

Explanation: To make the whole sentence singular ‘those’ changes to ‘that’, ‘women’ changes to ‘woman’ and ‘are’ changes to ‘is’.

  1. D

Explanation: To make the whole sentence plural, ‘that’ changes to ‘those’, ‘apple’ changes to ‘apples’ and ‘is’ changes to ‘are’.