
Roman Numerals Worksheet-1

Roman Numerals Worksheet-1


  1. The first basic numeral is:

A. O                     B. I                      C. V                     D. X


  1. In Roman numeration system, there are only ____ basic numerals.

A. 10                   B. 9                     C. 8                     D. 7

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  1. 50 - 28 = ____ (write answer in Roman system)

A. XXVIII          B. XXXVIII       C. XXII               D. XII


  1. IX + XV + XX = ___

A. 45                   B. 35                   C. 44                   D. 40


  1. Who got the least score?

A. B                     B. C                     C. A                     D. D


  1. The Hindu-Arabic numeral for X is:

A. 1                      B. 5                      C. 10                  D. 50


  1. The Hindu-Arabic numeral for XXXIX is:

A. 39                   B. 41                    C. 29                   D. 50


  1. Who got only 4 marks from the following in the test?

A. A                     B. B                     C. C                     D. D


  1. How many “X” symbols are needed to represent the sum 25 + 14 = 39 in Roman system?

A. 7                      B. 6                     C. 4                     D. 3


  1. What can be said about the Roman numeral V?

A. It is never repeated.     

B. It is never subtracted.

C. It is never repeated but it can be subtracted.

D. It is never repeated and never subtracted.


Answer Keys

(1)–B; (2)–D; (3)–C; (4)–C; (5)–D; (6)–C; (7)–A; (8)–C; (9)–A; (10)–D