
Environmental Studies Worksheet-23

Environmental Studies Worksheet-23


  1. Which of the following is not an ecosystem?

A. Pond              B. Wetland        C. Cabinet         D. River


  1. Slant roofs ___.

A. Collect rain water

B. Collect snow

C. Keep the house hot and warm

D. Do not collect snow and rain water


  1. What is a lunar eclipse?

A. An eclipse when Moon is between the Earth and the Sun and Moon's shadow falls on the Earth.

B. An eclipse when Earth is between the Moon and the Sun and Earth's shadow falls on the Moon.

C. An eclipse when there is a lunar tide.

D. An eclipse when there is a solar tide.

What is lunar eclipse

  1. The process by which fertilizer is prepared from dead leaves, twigs, etc., is called ____.

A. Fertilizing                                 B. Manuring

C. Composting                              D. Farming


  1. What is a community?

A. All the non-living things in an ecosystem.

B. All the living things in an ecosystem.

C. All the living and non-living things in an ecosystem.

D. None of the above.


  1. The intermolecular space is more in ____.

A. Mercury        B. Water            C. Hydrogen     D. Iron


  1. A railway time-table does not give details about ____.

A. The number of people travelling in a train

B. The stations along the route of train

C. What time the train will reach and leave each station

D. The distance covered.


  1. What is an earthquake?

A. A massive flow of water                 

B. An eruption of gas and lava

C. A sudden movement in Earth's crust

D. A sudden movement in Solar System


  1. When Puneet was on vacation in Kashmir, he could see clouds passing by. What are clouds made up of?

A. Hot steamed water                 B. Hot air

C. Sand & water                           D. Tiny water droplets.


  1. What is erosion?

A. A process that moves soil and rocks from one place to other.

B. A process that accumulate soil and rocks in one place.

C. A type of chemical reaction.

D. Breaking of ice caps.


Answer Key:

(1)–C; (2)–D; (3)–B; (4)–C; (5)–B; (6)–C; (7)–A; (8)–C; (9)–D; (10)–A