
Conservation of Plants and Animals Worksheet-6

Conservation of Plants and Animals Worksheet-6


  1. Trees take many years to reach maturity. Paper is made from wood pulp. As more people use recycled paper, fewer trees are cut down. Which of the following graph shows the condition that will happen after a few years of carrying out this act of conservation?






  1. Manju read a story about a tree that had been growing in a forest. Some monkeys and many insects and birds had lived in the tree. A man cuts down the tree. After that some dead monkeys and dead insects were found around the tree stump. Manju wrote the outline of the story as shown below.

Which of the following ends the story?

(a) All the animals died

(b) All the animals found a new home

(c) Some of the animals found a new home

(d) Some of the animals found a new home and some died


  1. Some villagers were unhappy that their herds of goats were steadily decreasing in numbers. A boy said that he had seen a tiger near their village one day. So the villagers headed out to hunt and kill as many tigers as they could find. After having killed several tigers for over a year, the villagers found that the numbers of goats were still decreasing. There was also a sudden increase in the number of monkeys that entered the village. The villagers had killed the wrong animal. Which of the following shows the impact of the villagers' action?

(i) The population of the unknown predator increased.

(ii) The tiger population went down and became endangered.

(iii) The monkey population increased to unmanageable levels.

(a) (i) only         (b) (ii) only        (c) (iii) only       (d) (ii) & (iii)


  1. In tea plantations, tea-pickers collect the young tender shoots from the plants and fill large baskets that they carry on their backs. New shoots appear in few days. In rubber plantations, workers collect latex by making cuts in the bark of the rubber trees. The trees continue to live for many years. Which of the following statements about these activities is false?

(a) The plants are not permanently harmed

(b) The cultivators are careful not to harm their crop

(c) Human needs are met by the tea and rubber produced

(d) The workers harm the plants by plucking their shoots and cutting their barks


  1. In some countries, the buying and selling of animals such as orangutans and leatherback turtles have been banned. These animals need to be protected so that ______

(a) Their value can increase

(b) Their numbers can increase

(c) The zoos can attract more visitors

(d) Scientists can have more animals to experiment with.


Answer Key:

(1)-(b); (2)-(d); (3)-(d); (4)-(d); (5)-(b)