
Sorting materials into groups Worksheet-7

Sorting materials into groups Worksheet-7


Multiple-Choice Question:

  1. Which of the following properties does glass have?

(A) Fragile            (B) Permeable     (C) Rigid


  1. Which of the following properties does wood have?

(A) Fragile            (B) Combustible  (C) Transparent


  1. Which of the following properties does lead have?

(A) Light               (B) Heavy             (C) Hard


  1. Which of the following properties does concrete have?

(A) Combustible (B) Flexible           (C) Rigid


  1. Which of the following properties does chalk have?

(A) Flexible           (B) Soft                (C) Rigid


  1. Which of the following is a correct description of what happens when you place a liquid in the freezer?

(A) Energy is absorbed by the  liquid

(B) Energy is removed from the liquid

(C) Energy from the liquid is exhausted into the atmosphere outside the freezer.

(D) None of these


  1. Is copper sonorous?

(A) Yes                 (B) No                  (C) Can’t say


  1. Is Iron lustrous?

(A) Yes                 (B) No                  (C) Can’t say


  1. Which metal is called as a coinage metal?

(A) Copper           (B) Silver              (C) Iron                (D) Gold


  1. Acrylic sheet is _____.

(A) Transparent   (B) Opaque          (C) Translucent


Answer Key:

  1. (A)
  2. (B)
  3. (A)
  4. (C)
  5. (B)
  6. (C)
  7. (A)
  8. (A)
  9. (A)
  10. (A)