
Verbs-will & shall Exercise-5

Exercises – 5

Complete the sentences. Use I’ll (I will) + one of these verbs:

do, eat, send, show, sit, stay

  1. My bag is very heavy.

I’ll carry it for you.

  1. Enjoy your holiday.

Thank you. ____ you a postcard.

  1. I don't want this banana.

Well, I'm hungry. ____ it.

  1. Do you want a chair?

No, it's okay. ____ on the floor.

  1. Did you phone Jenny?

Oh no, I forgot. ____ it now.

  1. Are you coming with me?

No, I don't think so. ____ here.

  1. How do you use this camera?

Give it to me and ____ you.


Complete the sentences.

Use: I think I'll... or I don't think I'll... + one of these verbs:

buy, go, have, play

  1. It's cold today. I don’t think I’ll go out.

  2. I'm hungry. ____ something to eat.

  3. I feel tired. ____ tennis.

  4. This camera is too expensive. ____ it.



  1. I’ll carry

  2. I’ll send

  3. I’ll eat

  4. I’ll sit

  5. I’ll do it

  6. I’ll stay

  7. I’ll show

  8. I don’t think I’ll go

  9. I think I’ll have

  10. I don’t think I’ll play

  11. I don’t think I’ll buy