
Homophones Study Notes-14

Homophones Study Notes-14


  1. whine – to make a long, high, sad sound

example – My pet got hurt and gave a small whine.

wine – an alcoholic drink which is usually made from grapes

example – There is a wine shop on my way to office.


  1. dam – a wall built to hold back water

example – Bhakra Nangal dam is the biggest dam in India.

damn – an expression of anger

example – What a damn stupid question !


  1. ail – to be in pain

example This medicine is good for what ails for you.

ale – a beverage

example – Americans prefer to have an ale with their food.

aisle isle


  1. aisle – a passage between rows of seats in a church, theatre, train, etc, or between rows of shelves in a supermarket

example – I would like to have an aisle seat.

isle – island

example – Japan is an isle.


  1. hoarse – having a rough voice, often because of a sore throat or a cold

example – She can’t sing today as her throat is clogged, making her

sound hoarse.

horse – a large animal with four legs which people ride on or use for

carrying things or pulling vehicles

example – I’m scared to ride a horse.


  1. dew – morning mist.

example – The grass was wet with early morning dew.

due – payable

example – Payment of these goods is due on 1st of November.


  1. flea – a very small jumping insect which feeds on the blood of animals and humans

example – I saw a flea sticking on my dog’s tail.

flee – to escape by running away, especially because of danger or fear

example – The gangster was forced to flee the country.


  1. medal – a small metal disc which is given as a reward for winning a competition

example – My friend was awarded a medal for winning the competition.

meddle – to try to change things which are not your responsibility, by criticizing it

example – He has no right to meddle in her affairs.


  1. ante – an amount of money that each person must risk in order to be part of a game that involves gambling

example – The ante was at the level of Rs. 15,000.

anti – opposed to or against a particular thing or person

example – I've received a lot of anti opinions about my recent article.


  1. flair – natural ability to do something well

example – She had a flair for dance.

flare – to burn brightly either for a short time or not regularly

example – In case of an emergency, Mohit keeps a flare gun with him.