Human Body Worksheet-3
(a) Plasma and red blood cells
(b) Plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells and glycerin
(c) Basic juices, red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets
(d) Plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets
(a) Hemoglobin. It is found in white blood cell.
(b) Hemoglobin. It is found in red blood cell.
(c) Antibody. It is found in white blood cell.
(d) Platelets. It is found in red blood cell.
(a) Filter and clean digested food of wastes.
(b) Filter and clean blood of urea and other wastes.
(c) Produce red and white blood cells.
(d) Produce intestinal juices.
(a) Collect fresh air for the heart
(b) Produce carbon dioxide for trees
(c) Obtain carbon dioxide from air for the blood
(d) Obtain oxygen from air for the blood
(a) Keeps lungs protected
(b) Cleans blood
(c) Helps lungs in pulling in and releasing out air
(d) Extracts carbon dioxide from air
(a) Convert light waves into pressure signals.
(b) Convert light waves into nerve signals and send them to spinal cord.
(c) Convert the light rays into electrical impulses and send them to the brain through the optic nerve.
(d) Convert the sound waves into chemicals and send them to the brain through the optic nerve.
(a) Pressure (b) Sound
(c) Light (d) Chemical compound
(a) They float in the air.
(b) They are very small but can be seen with naked eyes.
(c) They must enter our nose before we can detect a smell.
(d) They are always attached with oxygen molecules.
(a) Nerve cells (b) Smell buds
(c) Olfactory bulb (d) X-cells
(a) Detective System (b) Cognitive System
(c) Sensor System (d) Nervous System
Answer Key:
(1)–(d); (2)–(b); (3)–(b); (4)–(d); (5)–(c); (6)–(c); (7)–(b); (8)–(d); (9)–(c); (10)–(d)