
Pick the clue



Identify the correct answer from the given clues:

  1. This is strong and hard.

A. Study             B. Steep              C. Steel               D. Seed


  1. This will grow into a plant.

A. Weed             B. Need              C. Leaf                D. Seed


  1. I have eight arms and I live in the ocean.

A. Dolphin         B. Octopus        C. Snake             D. Spider


  1. This tells time.

A. Clock             B. Crow              C. Candle            D. Coke


  1. I am bright but you don't see me in the night.

A. Moon             B. Soon              C. Sun                 D. Sky


  1. This covers a floor.

A. Curtain          B. Window        C. Stair               D. Rug


  1. I am long and orange. I grow under the ground.

A. Apple             B. Banana          C. Tree               D. Carrot


  1. Every bike has two.

A. Wheel            B. White             C. Wide              D. Wax


  1. I can be short or long, straight or curly and I am on your head.

A. Here               B. Hair               C. Stair               D. Napkin


  1. I ride on your back. I carry things for you. I go to school with you everyday.

A. Hose              B. School bus    C. Backpack      D. Road



  1. C

  2. D

  3. B

  4. A

  5. C

  6. D

  7. D

  8. A

  9. B

  10. C