
Improvement of food resources Worksheet-4

Improvement of food resources Worksheet-4


  1. Living organisms are used in the preparation of:

A. Fungicides                                B. Insecticides

C. Pesticides                                  D. Biofertilisers


  1. Which of the following has highest content of carbohydrates?

A. Wheat            B. Cow pea        C. Guava            D. Soyabean


  1. Which of the following crop is grown in rabi season?

A. Mustard        B. Cotton           C. Maize             D. Paddy


  1. Which of the following crops require highest amount of water?

A. Wheat            B. Rice                C. Peas               D. Green gram


  1. Which of the following is not true about kharif season?

A. It extends from the month of June to October according to Indian climate.

B. It refers to rainy season.

C. Crops grown in this season require less water.

D. Paddy is an example of kharif crop.


  1. Which of the following is not related to hybridization:

A. Intervarietal cross                   B. Interspecific cross

C. Intergeneric cross                   D. Insertion of a new gene


  1. Which of the following nutrient is obtained from air by plants:

A. Oxygen          B. Hydrogen     C. Nitrogen       D. Potassium


  1. How many micronutrients are provided by soil to the plants for their growth?

A. One                B. Two                C. Six                  D. Seven


  1. Which of the following is not an example of fertilizers?

A. Potash sulphate                       B. Potash chloride

C. Urea                                           D. DDT


  1. Which of the following is a practice of growing two or more crops in a same field in rows?

A. Crop rotation                            B. Mixed cropping

C. Intercropping                           D. None of these


Answer Key:

  1. D
  2. A
  3. A
  4. B
  5. C
  6. D
  7. A
  8. D
  9. D
  10. C