
Instruments and their usage Crossword

WORD BANK: Anemometer, audiometer, barometer, binoculars, cardiogram, colorimeter, endoscope, hygrometer, hypsometer, micrometer, microscope, telescope, thermometer, wattmeter, wavemeter.

Instruments and their usage Crossword Worksheet Download



2. To measure level of humidity

6. To measure intensity of sound

7. To measure distances /angles

11. To view distant objects in space

12. To view distant objects

13. To examine internal parts of the body

14. To measure the wavelength of a radiowave

15. To measure the power of an electric circuit



1. To measure atmospheric pressure

3. To measure temperature

4. To compare intensity of colours

5. To obtain a magnified view of small objects

8. To trace movements of the heart

9. To measure force and velocity or wind and directions

10. To determine boiling point of liquids