
English Olympiad Grade 3 Worksheet-9


English Grammar Worksheet-9


  1. Anu and Manu raked the soil. Geetu ____ the seeds.

A. plants            B. plant              C. planting        D. planted


  1. Ajav and Vijay jumped over the log. Monu _____over it.

A. stepped         B. stepping        C. steps              D. stepper


  1. The duck was _____in the lake.

A. swims            B. swimming    C. swim              D. swam

english olympiad for class 3 online test

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  1. Smita ______the cake yesterday.

A. bakes             B. baking           C. baker             D. baked


  1. The frog is ____across the road.

A. hopped          B. hops               C. hopping         D. hop


  1. What is another name for adjective?

A. people, places, and things

B. a describing word

C. a word that tell what a noun does

D. an opposite


  1. The ships _____in the blue sea

A. sail                 B. sails                C. sailed             D. sailing


  1. Which word is a verb?

A. red                  B. run                 C. piano             D. actor


  1. Which of these is a complete sentence?

A. The big red truck.                   B. Sonu fell asleep.

C. Sometime last week.               D. none of these.


  1. Which sentence has an action verb in it?

A. Raj is my best friend.

B. Raj is my neighbor.

C. Raj and his family are nice to me.

D. Raj and I play games on the computer.


  1. Which word is an adjective in the sentence?

The man smelled the sweet roses.

A. man               B. sweet             C. roses              D. None of these


  1. An orange has seeds inside.

A. seeds              B. inside             C. an                  D. None of these


  1. In a sentence the first word is capitalize.

A. False              B. True               C. sometimes    D. none of these


  1. An adverb describes an____.

A. noun              B. pronoun        C. verb                D. adjective


  1. Adverbs tell more about a verb.

A. True               B. False              C. sometimes    D. none of these


Answer Keys

(1)–B; (2)–A; (3)–B; (4)–D; (5)–C; (6)–B; (7)–A; (8)–B; (9)–B; (10)–D; (11)–B; (12)–C; (13)–B; (14)–C; (15)–A