
Pronouns Exercise-4 [Level-4]

Pronouns Practice Exercise-4 [Level-4]


Choose the correct demonstrative pronoun and fill in the blank.

Remember ‘THIS’ and ‘THESE’ for things that are near and ‘THAT’ and ‘THOSE’ are used for things that are far.

  1. ___ is my new blue diary.


  1. ___ is my new blue diary.


  1. ___ are extremely sweet grapes.


  1. ___ is the winner of the tournament.


  1. ___ is a very handsome dog.


  1. ___ are such colourful T-shirts.


  1. ___ are very colourful T-shirts.


  1. ___ are mine, but ___ are yours.



  1. this

  2. that

  3. those

  4. that

  5. this

  6. these

  7. those

  8. these, those


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