
Basics of Physics Worksheet-10

Basics of Physics Worksheet-10


  1. Solar, biomass, geothermal, wind, and hydropower energy are all renewable sources of energy. They are called renewable because they ______.

A. are clean and free to use       

B. can be converted directly into heat and electricity

C. can be replenished by nature in a short period of time

D. do not produce air pollution


  1. A lightning bolt is a ______ of static electricity from the clouds to the ground.

A. crack              B. merger          C. discharge      D. recharge


  1. Where can you find glaciers?

A. In vast areas of polar regions

B. Near equators

C. In the Gulf of Mexico

D. In Sahara deserts


  1. The method of heat transfer through any matter from one side to the other without the movement of particles is called _____.

A. Radiation      B. Convection   C. Conduction D. Transportation


  1. What kind of lens is shown in the picture?

A. Convex          B. Concave        C. Oval               D. Circular


  1. Select the correct definition of frequency of a wave.

A. The number of occurrences of bright spots on a light waves within a given time period of time.

B. The number of occurrences of dark spots on a light waves within a given time period of time.

C. The number of occurrences of half waves within a given time period of time.

D. The number of occurrences of full waves within a given time period of time.


  1. What kind of pulley is shown in the picture?

A. Complex Pulley                       B. Fixed Pulley

C. Movable Pulley                        D. Fixed Pulley and Movable Pulley


  1. Which machine produces electricity when its axle is rotated by an external force?

A. Diesel engine                            B. Generator

C. Fan                                            D. Transformer


  1. What is the Kinetic Energy?

A. The energy an object has because of its shape.

B. The energy an object has because of its size.

C. The energy an object has because of its position.

D. The energy an object has because of its motion.


  1. What is the speed of sound in air at room temperature?

A. About 343 millimeters per second

B. About 343 kilometers per second

C. About 343 meters per second

D. About 343 feet per second


Answer Key:

1.-(c); 2.-(c); 3.-(a); 4.-(c); 5.-(a); 6.-(d); 7.-(d); 8.-(b); 9.-(d); 10.-(c)