
Basics of Physics-Worksheet-3

an electric circuit- physics worksheets class 4

Basics of Physics Worksheet-3


  1. When you connect a bulb to the battery (or cell) with wires, it lights up. What does battery provide to the bulb?

A. Heat energy                              B. Chemical energy

C. Light energy                             D. Electrical energy


  1. Which of the following is an example of friction force in use?

A. Hydropower                             B. Growing fruits

C. Hitting a ball with a bat          D. Bicycle brakes


  1. Which of the following is a natural source of energy?

A. Battery          B. Sun                 C. Generator     D. Car


  1. Materials that do not allow light to pass through are called ______.

A. Opaque                                      B. Transparent

C. Dark materials                         D. Colored glass


  1. Which weight will go down in the following picture?

A. Both               B. None              C. 20 Kg             D. 10 Kg


  1. The time shown by the clock in the given figure is _____.

A. Twelve hours

B. Three hours

C. Three hours thirty minutes

D. Six hours thirty minutes


  1. Match the following units in column A with that in column B.

A. 1 - C, 2 - D, 3 - B, 4 - A           B. 1 - A, 2 - D, 3 - C, 4 – B

C. 1 - C, 2 - D, 3 - A, 4 – B           D. 1 - C, 2 - B, 3 - A, 4 - D


  1. If you scream in a valley, sound reflects back and you will hear your scream again. What is this effect called?

A. Double sound                           B. Vibration

C. Echo                                           D. Bouncing


  1. A football kicked by a boy rolls on the ground to some distance and stops. The force which stops the ball is _____.

A. Muscular force                        B. Gravitational force

C. Mechanical force                     D. Frictional force


  1. If we apply force on a moving object in the same direction, the speed of the object ____.

A. Decreases                                  B. Remains the same

C. Increases                                   D. Increases or decreases


Answer Keys:

(1)–D; (2)–D; (3)–B; (4)–A; (5)–C; (6)–B; (7)–C; (8)–C; (9)–D; (10)–C