
Work, Force & Energy Worksheet-3

Work, Force & Energy Worksheet-3


Multiple-Choice Question:

  1. The person in the given picture skiing down the snow-laden mountain has ______ energy.

(A) Kinetic

(B) Potential

(C) Both kinetic and potential


  1. Hitting a tennis ball is a _______ type of force.

(A) Push                      (B) Pull


  1. Tendulkar hit the cricket ball to a six. During the flight of ball in air, it has:

(A) Potential energy                    

(B) Kinetic energy

(C) Both kinetic and potential energy


  1. Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty has:

(A) Potential energy                    

(B) Kinetic energy

(C) Both kinetic and potential energy


  1. Rubbing with an eraser on a paper is a:

(A) Pull                        (B) Push                       (C) None of these


  1. Work is said to be done if you are holding is a bag of grocery.

(A) True                       (B) False                      (C) Can’t say


  1. An object gets potential energy from:

(A) Height                   (B) Mass                      (C) Gravity                  (D) All of these


  1. Which of the following is not considered as work?

(A) Kicking a football                                      (B) Throwing a stone

(C) Waiting for bus at a bus stop                 (D) Pulling a chair


  1. Which type of energy transition is taking place when we switch on a fan?

(A) Mechanical to electrical               

(B) Electrical to mechanical

(C) Electrical to heat


  1. Energy conversion in an electric iron is:

(A) Mechanical to electrical               

(B) Electrical to mechanical

(C) Electrical to heat


Answer Key:

(1)-(C); (2)-(A); (3)-(C); (4)-(C); (5)-(B); (6)-(B); (7)-(D); (8)-(C); (9)-(B); (10)-(C)