
Life Processes Worksheet-8

Life Processes Worksheet-8


  1. Which part of roots is involved in exchange of respiratory gases?


  1. What is the exact function of chlorophyll?


  1. What is the difference in the sites of light reaction and dark reaction?


  1. Mention the function of gizzard.


  1. What is transpiration?


  1. Name the two kinds of cells of xylem.


  1. State the term for transport of food from leaves to other parts of the plant.


  1. Name the system responsible for transportation of materials in human beings.


  1. What makes red blood corpuscles red in colour?


  1. Name the largest artery in our body.


  1. What is the other term for extracellular fluid?


  1. Name the excretory unit of kidney.


  1. Where is urine carried through ureters?


  1. Name the procedure used in the working of artificial kidney.


  1. Name the phase of the cardiac cycle in which both auricles and ventricles are relaxed simultaneously.


  1. Which pigment is responsible for the transport of nutrients, respiratory gases, metabolites, hormones and waste products?


  1. Name the artery supplying blood to the heart.


  1. Why are capillaries thin-walled?


  1. Why are arteries thick-walled?


  1. Which membrane encloses the heart?



  1. Root hairs.


  1. Chorophylls are photoreceptors that help in trapping the energy of the light for photosynthesis.


  1. Light reaction occurs in the grana and the dark reaction occurs in the stroma.


  1. The gizzard thoroughly grinds the food before passing it on to the stomach.


  1. Transpiration is defined as the process by which plants lose water in vapour form into the surrounding air.


  1. Tracheids and Vessels.


  1. Translocation.


  1. Circulatory system.


  1. Haemoglobin makes RBCs red.


  1. Aorta.


  1. Lymph.


  1. Nephron.


  1. The urine is carried through ureters into the urinary bladder.


  1. Dialysis.


  1. Joint diastole.


  1. Haemoglobin.


  1. Coronary artery.


  1. The thin walls make the capillaries permeable for free diffusion of water and dissolve substances in and out.


  1. Arteries are thick-walled to counter balance the blood pressure.


  1. Pericardium.