
Life Processes Worksheet-5

Life Processes Worksheet-5


  1. Respiration is a vital process for all organisms. Explain.


  1. What is photolysis of water?


  1. Where do the light and dark reactions take place?


  1. What is the most important event in photo-synthesis ?


  1. Where are the photosynthetic pigments located in a chloroplast?


  1. Name the only natural process that gives out oxygen for respiration of all living organisms.


  1. Name the two principal forms of chlorophyll that take part in photosynthesis of higher plants.


  1. Give the currently accepted equation of photo-synthesis.


  1. What is the specific function of light energy in the process of photosynthesis?


  1. All life on earth would come to an end if there were no green plants. Give reason.


  1. Explain why respiration is said to be the reversal of photosynthesis.


  1. How does sunlight affect photosynthesis?


  1. What is the optimum temperature for photosynthesis?


  1. What is NADPH?


  1. What are the functions of saliva?


  1. Name one gland in human body which secretes digestive enzyme as well as hormone.


  1. Name the three pairs of salivary glands of man.


  1. Name the different parts of the small intestine in proper sequence.


  1. How does the bile secreted from liver reach the duodenum?


  1. How is the action of ptyalin stopped in the stomach?



  1. All living organisms need energy for the various metabolic activities. Respiration provides energy for this and so it is a vital process.


  1. The splitting of water molecules with the help of solar energy by the chloroplast is known as photolysis of water. Water is split into H+ and OH ions during light reaction. ions during light reaction.
  1. Light reaction, i.e., photolysis of water takes place in granum of chloroplast while Dark reaction takes place in stroma of chloroplast.


  1. The trapping of solar energy by the chloroplast is the most important unique event in photosynthesis.


  1. Photosynthetic pigments are located in the lipid portion of thylakoid membranes in a chloroplast.


  1. Photosynthesis.


  1. Chlorophyll-a and Chlorophyll-b



  1. To activate chlorophyll.


  1. Photosynthesis releases oxygen which is a life supporting gas. Only in green plants photosynthesis takes place.


  1. Respiration is a catabolic process while photosynthesis is an anabolic process. During respiration CO2 is given out while during photosynthesis O2 is given out.


  1. Light provides energy for photosynthesis. Light intensity is proportional to photosynthesis.


  1. 30-35°C is the optimum temperature needed for photosynthesis.


  1. NADPH is called reduced NADP.

NADP + Hydrogen + Energy → NADPH

NADPH acts as a carrier of hydrogen.


  1. The functions of saliva are:

(i) The mucin of saliva lubricates the food for swallowing.

(ii) The enzyme salivary amylase or ptyalin present in saliva helps in the digestion of starch.


  1. Pancreas.


  1. The three pairs of salivary glands are sublingual, submandibular and parotid.


  1. Duodenum, Jejunum and Ileum.


  1. The bile passes from the liver through hepatic ducts to the common bile duct which opens into the duodenum.


  1. In the stomach, the hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice destroys all ptyalin in a short time.