
Light Worksheet-4

Light Worksheet-4


  1. Angle of incidence is the angle between the:

(a) incident ray and the mirror

(b) incident ray and the normal

(c) normal and the mirror

(d) None of these


  1. During irregular reflection, the angle of incidence is :

(a) slightly more than the angle of reflection

(b) slightly less than the angle of reflection

(c) equal to the angle of reflection

(d) None of these


  1. A shadow of an object shows :

(a) complete detail of object

(b) dark outline of object

(c) bright outline of object

(d) None of these


  1. An umbra is a :

(a) region of total darkness of shadow

(b) region of partial darkness of shadow

(c) Any part of a sunspot

(d) None of these


  1. Any thing material or non-material through which light energy can pass is called :

(a) optical medium                      (b) light medium

(c) homogenous medium           (d) None of these


  1. Which is not an optically homogeneous medium?

(a) Vacuum                                    (b) Smoke

(c) Glass                                         (d) Distilled water


  1. From the diagram below, what is the angle between the incident ray and the reflected ray?

\\server\Home\Himanshu Thakker\Online Session Recording\Grade-10\Light- Reflection & Refraction\Images\light427.jpg

(a) 20º               (b) 40º               (c) 70º                (d) 90º


  1. Which of the following shows a diverging lens?

(a) \\server\Home\Himanshu Thakker\Online Session Recording\Grade-10\Light- Reflection & Refraction\Images\light427.jpg

(b) \\server\Home\Himanshu Thakker\Online Session Recording\Grade-10\Light- Reflection & Refraction\Images\light427.jpg

(c) \\server\Home\Himanshu Thakker\Online Session Recording\Grade-10\Light- Reflection & Refraction\Images\light427.jpg

(d) \\server\Home\Himanshu Thakker\Online Session Recording\Grade-10\Light- Reflection & Refraction\Images\light427.jpg


  1. On holding a stainless steel spoon near our face, we see

(a) Our inverted image on outer side of the spoon

(b) Our erect image on inner side of the spoon

(c) Our inverted image on inner side of the spoon

(d) Our laterally inverted image on inner side of the spoon


  1. From the diagram below, what is the angle of reflection?

\\server\Home\Himanshu Thakker\Online Session Recording\Grade-10\Light- Reflection & Refraction\Images\light427.jpg

(a) 30º               (b) 40º               (c) 60º               (d) 90º


Answer Key:

  1. (b)
  2. (c)
  3. (b)
  4. (a)
  5. (a)
  6. (b)
  7. (b)
  8. (c)
  9. (c)
  10. (a)