
Time Worksheet-7

Time Worksheet-7


  1. A quarter of an hour=_____ minutes.

A. 9                     B. 7                      C. 8                     D. 15


  1. 2 hrs before midnight is:

A. 10 p.m.          B. 10 a.m.          C. 2 a.m.            D. 2 p.m.

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  1. How many months in a year have 31 days?

A. 8                     B. 6                     C. 7                      D. 9


  1. Sunil born in 1976. How old was he in 1993?

A. 20 yrs            B. 17 yrs             C. 18 yrs             D. 19 yrs


  1. A TV film starts at 5.30 p.m. on Sunday. It runs for 2 hrs. 15 minutes. At what time does it end?

A. 7.30 p.m.                                   B. 8.45 p.m.     

C. 7.45 p.m.                                    D. 8.00 p.m.


  1. The sum of 6 years 8 months and 3 years 6 months =____ months

A. 66                   B. 104                 C. 122                 D. 108


  1. The number of days in August are:

A. 30                   B. 28                   C. 31                    D. 29

See more worksheets for numbers

  1. A train leaves P at 12:05 p.m. At what time will it reach town Q. if the journey takes 1 hour and 42 minutes?

A. 1:37 p.m.      B. 1:47 p.m.      C. 3:47 p.m.      D. 3:47 a.m.


  1. Gopal started riding his bike at this time.

He stopped riding his bike at the following time

How long did Gopal ride the bike.

A. 30 minutes                                B. 35 minutes

C. 40 minutes                                D. 45 minutes


  1. How many days are there from 9th February 2004 to 20th March 2004?

A. 45                   B. 38                   C. 40                   D. 41


  1. Janki went to attend her mathematics class at 9:45 and came out at 11:40. What was the duration of his mathematics class?

A. 1 hour 55 minutes                    B. 1 hour 45 minutes

C. 1 hour 30 minutes                    D. 1 hour 50 minutes


This is Sunny’s daily schedule after the school from Monday to Friday. Study if and answer questions 22 and 23:

  1. On which activity does Sunny spend maximum time after school?

A. Doing his home work             B. Playing

C. Having dinner                         D. Watching T.V.


  1. What would Sunny be doing on a normal week day evening at the time shown by the clock below?

A. Playing                                     B. Doing his home work

C. Having milk and snacks        D. Walking back from school.


Answer Keys

(11)–D; (12)–A; (13)–C; (14)–B; (15)–C; (16)–C; (17)–C; (18)–B; (19)–A; (20)–D; (21)–A; (22)–A; (23)–B