
Money Worksheet-2

  1. Mr. Prashant wants to buy a hamburger and macaroni. How much money does he need?


       A. Rs 1.15           B. Rs 1.00          C. Rs 1.05          D. Rs 1.35


  1. What is another way of writing 75 paise?

       A. Rs 0.75          B. Rs 1.75           C. Rs 75              D. Rs 7.50


  1. How much money is this?

       A. Rs. 1.15          B. Rs. 1.20         C. Rs. 1.24         D. Rs. 1.25


  1. How many paisa are there in ten rupees?

       A. 10000 p        B. 1000 p           C. 100 p             D. 10 p


  1. How many paise can you get with two rupees and twenty five paise?

       A. 325 p             B. 215 p              C. 115 p               D. 225 p


  1. How much money is two hundred paise?

       A. 2 Rs                B. 15 Rs              C. 20 Rs             D. 3 Rs


  1. How many paisa are in 2.50 Rs?

       A. 100p              B. 250p              C. 500p              D. 150p


  1. Ryan has 5 paisa, 20 paisa and 20 paisa. Which lunch item can he buy? See the table to answer this question.


       A. Pizza              B. Hotdog          C. Hamburger  D. Macaroni


  1. One paper pin costs 50 p. Mr. Bhushan bought three paper pins for each of his three children. How much money did he spend?

       A. One rupee                                 B. One rupee and 75 paisa

       C. One rupee and 25 paisa          D. One rupee and 50 paisa


  1. How many Paisa can you get with one Rupee?

       A. 100                 B. 150                C. 50                   D. 200


  1. Nitu has notes of 20 Rs and 10 Rs. How many candies can she buy?

       A. 3                    B. 2                     C. 4                     D. 1


  1. Tisha has 2 Rs, 30p, 50p, and 10p. How much money does she have?

       A. Rs 3.30         B. Rs 3.00         C. Rs 2.90         D. Rs 3.3


  1. Vikram bought a bubble gum for 25p, a ball for 35p and a marble for 45p. He paid 1 Re and 25p for the above items. How much change did he get?

       A. Rs 0.15         B. Rs 20             C. Rs 2               D. Rs 0.20



(14)–B; (15)–A; (16)–C; (17)–B; (18)–D; (19)–A; (20)–B; (21)–C; (22)–D; (23)–A; (24)–B; (25)–C; (26)–D