
Maths Olympiad Grade 3 Addition and Subtraction Worksheet-12

Addition and Subtraction Worksheet-12


  1. There are 60 apples in a basket. If 18 apples were spoiled, then number of good apples in the basket are:

maths olympiad grade 3

       A. 38                   B. 32                   C. 78                   D. 42


  1. Two years ago, the height of Rajini was 105 cm. This year her height is 139 cm. The change in her height is:

addition word problems

       A. 5 cm               B. 39 cm            C. 34 cm            D. 144 cm


  1. How many more people like Jaipur than Chandigarh?

mental math grade 3

       A. 170                 B. 167                 C. 180                 D. 235


  1. If this pattern continues, what is the next number?


       A. 145                 B. 141                  C. 146                 D. 149


  1. How many more people chose Chandigarh than Goa for their vacation spot?

word problems grade 3

       A. 69                   B. 75                    C. 65                   D. 60


  1. The number with more digits is:

       A. always greater.                        B. sometimes greater.

       C. always smaller.                        D. can't say.


  1. How many people like Chennai and Jaipur for their vacation?

       A. 677                 B. 912                 C. 867                 D. 932


  1. 17 less than 71 is:

       A. 54                   B. 88                   C. 11                    D. 9


  1. There are 302 children in a community. Out of those, 118 children like basketball, 98 children like baseball and the rest of the children like football. How will you find out the number of children who like football?

       A. 302 - (118 + 98)                      B. 302 + (118 + 98)

       C. 302 + (118 X 98)                     D. 302 + (118 - 98)


  1. If 13 more people went to a music stall, then 217 people would have visited in total. How many people visited the music stall?

       A. 230                B. 200                C. 204                D. 214


(11)–D; (12)–C; (13)–A; (14)–B; (15)–C; (16)–A; (17)–B; (18)–A; (19)–A; (20)–C