
Algebra Worksheet-3

Algebra Worksheet-3


  1. One of the acute angles of a right triangle measures 2 times as large as the other acute angle. Find the measure of the two acute angles.

(a) 45°, 60°       (b) 30°, 120°     (c) 30°, 90°       (d) 30°, 60°


  1. Find the value of y. 29 – y = 17

(a) –12               (b) 46                  (c) 12                  (d) –46


  1. The length of a rectangle is 8 cm more than its width. If the perimeter of that rectangle is 144 cm, find its area.

(a) 280 sq cm                                (b) 1,280 sq cm

(c) 128 sq cm                                 (d) 1,500 sq cm


  1. Find the value of t. 3t – 9 = 16 – 2t

(a) –5                 (b) 25                  (c) 6                    (d) 5


  1. Julie bought a purse and received Rs. 30 change from the cashier. She received the  coins, all in Rs. 5  and Rs. 2 . How many of each kind did she receive?

(a) 2 coins of Rs. 5 and 4 coins of Rs. 2

(b) 4 coins of Rs. 5 and 5 coins of Rs. 2

(c) 5 coins of Rs. 5 and 1 coins of Rs. 2

(d) 3 coins of Rs. 5 and 4 coins of Rs. 2


  1. Solve the equation. 6y – 8 – y = 27 – 2y

(a) 5                    (b) 7                    (c) –5                  (d) 8


  1. The entrance fee to a museum is Rs. 5 for an adult and is Rs. 2 for a child. Mrs. Parihar purchased 29 tickets for Rs. 82. How many tickets of each type did she buy?

(a) 12 adult tickets and 17 child tickets

(b) 9 adult tickets and 20 child tickets

(c) 8 adult tickets and 18 child tickets

(d) 8 adult tickets and 21 child tickets


  1. The circumference of a circle (c) is two times pi times the radius (r). Write this as an algebraic equation.

(a) r = 2πc         (b) C = 2πr+2    (c) c = 2πr         (d) C = 2r + π


  1. Solve the equation for p.  If 3p + r = 20

(a)                                  (b) p = 3(20 – r)

(c)                                (d)


  1. Which shows the following statements as an algebraic expression?

The ratio of 3 more than y to y.

(a)                  (b)              (c)              (d)


  1. Calculate the value of y. 6 – y = 4

(a) 10                  (b) –2                 (c) 2                    (d) –10


  1. Calculate the value of k. –4 + k = –12

(a) 3                    (b) 16                  (c) –16                (d) –8


  1. Solve the following equation. –y – 7 = 14

(a) y = –2          (b) y = –21        (c) y = –7           (d) y = 21


  1. Manu got a salary raise of Rs. 6500 this year. This makes her salary Rs. 5000 less than the double of last year’s salary. What is her current salary?

(a) Rs. 12,250                                (b) Rs. 5,750

(c) Rs. 18,000                               (d) Rs. 11,500


  1. Find the value of n.

(a) 2                    (b) –2                 (c) –15                (d) 15


  1. Solve the equation. y + 8 = –4 + 3

(a) y = 8             (b) y = –1           (c) y = –9           (d) y = 9


Answer Key:

(1)-(d); (2)-(c); (3)-(b); (4)-(d); (5)-(b); (6)-(a); (7)-(d); (8)-(c); (9)-(a); (10)-(c); (11)-(c); (12)-(d); (13)-(b); (14)-(c); (15)-(d); (16)-(c)