
Maths Olympiad Grade 3 Addition and Subtraction Worksheet-9

Addition and Subtraction worksheet-9


  1. One hundred less than 596 is:

       A. 496                 B. 586                 C. 696                 D. 1000


  1. What number is 10 less than 305?

       A. 315                 B. 285                 C. 295                 D. 205


  1. If these number sentences are true, which of the following may be correct?

       ∆ + □ = 6

       ∆ – □ = 2

       A. ∆ = 4, □ = 2                               B. ∆ = 2, □ = 4

       C. ∆ = 1, □ = 5                                D. ∆ = 3, □ = 3


  1. Which digit should come in place of □ so that the following subtraction is correct?

       A. 3                     B. 4                     C. 5                      D. 6


  1. A school ordered 400 green T-shirts and 550 pink T-shirts for the students. It sold 350 green T-shirts and 430 pink T-shirts. How many T-shirts were left unsold?

       A. 170                 B. 156                 C. 160                 D. 172


  1. What number could □ be?

       5 – □ = ∆

       A. 7                      B. 9                     C. 12                    D. 3


  1. 1000 – How many tens = 430?

       A. 43                   B. 430                C. 57                     D. 570


  1. 1,000 - 550 =?

       A. 458                 B. 375                 C. 558                 D. 450


  1. A school library has 177 fiction books, 109 science books, and 123 art books. How many books are there altogether?

       A. 318                 B. 409                C. 410                 D. 419


  1. Add me to 6 or subtract me from 14. The answer is the same. Who am I?

       A. 14                    B. 10                  C. 6                     D. 4



(1)–A; (2)–C; (3)–A; (4)–B; (5)–A; (6)–D; (7)–C; (8)–D; (9)–B; (10)–D