
Maths Olympiad Grade 3 Addition and Subtraction Worksheet-4

Addition & Subtraction Worksheet-4


  1. 68 + 88 −98 − 29

       A. 125                 B. 29                   C. 86                   D. 31


  1. Krishna lives 150 metres from Durga's house. Madhavi lives 75 metres away from Durga's house as shown in the figure. How far does Krishna live from Madhavi's house?

       A. 200 m           B. 225 m            C. 75 m               D. 2 m


  1. 768 – 278 =

       A. 643                 B. 887                C. 651                 D. 490


  1. The next number in the series 102, 107, 112, 117, 122,..... is:

       A. 142                 B. 137                 C. 127                 D. 120


  1. Six hundred four people visited the City Art Exhibition on Monday, and 448 people visited it on Tuesday. How many people visited the exhibition altogether on Monday and Tuesday?

       A. 1,152              B. 952                 C. 852                 D. 1,052


  1. 21 + 45 + 16 − 60

       A. 50                   B. 76                   C. 49                   D. 22


  1. Each of these packs has exactly 5 buttons in it. How many buttons are there in all?

       A. 17                    B. 80                   C. 85                   D. 90


  1. A school library had 786 books. It received 185 more books during the year. How many books did the library have then?

       A. 601                 B. 961                 C. 861                 D. 971


  1. 924 – 501 =

       A. 415                 B. 423                 C. 545                 D. 181


  1. What do you add to 245 to make it 445?

       A. 200                B. 20                   C. 100                 D. 105



(11)–B; (12)–B; (13)–D; (14)–C; (15)–D; (16)–D; (17)–C; (18)–D; (19)–B; (20)–A