
Measurement reasoning worksheet


Download Measurement reasoning worksheet


Fill in the blanks with appropriate options:

  1. Yesterday I went to market and bought one ______ of ketchup bottle for my family.

a. Gms                b. kilograms      c. meter              d. centimeter


  1. I am full. I have had 200 ______ of coke just now.

a. Litre               b. mililitre         c. Meter              d. kilometer


  1. Weight of these apples is 250 ______.

a. Gms                b. kilograms      b. meter              d. centimeter


  1. I saw a huge elephant. Its weight was more than 4000 ______.

a. Gms                b. kilograms      c. meter              d. centimeter


  1. On my birthday, my mom made a very delicious big cake. Its weight was 2 ______.

a. Gms                b. kilograms      c. meter              d. litre 


  1. These are small bottles of gel air freshener. Each bottle contains 400 ______ of gel.

a. Meter             b. litre                 c. centimeter     d. milliliter


  1. The height of this giant camel is 4 ______.

a. Meter             b. litre                 c. centimeter     d. kilometer


  1. Ninad goes to gym every day. He lifts weight of 50 ______ every day.

a. Gms                b. kilograms      c. meter              d. litre


  1. I bought a 500 ______ of  pouch of milk.

a. Kilogram       b. meter              c. milliliter        d. liter


10.  There is a cobra in our backyard. Its length was 3 ______.

a. Kilogram       b. meter              c. milliliter        d. centimeter