
Multiplication and Division Worksheet-9

Multiplication & Division Worksheet-9


  1. Karen has to finish 252 math problems in 6 days. How many problems should she do everyday to finish her work on time?

A. 36                   B. 44                   C. 45                   D. 42


  1. Five students can sit on a bench. How many benches are needed for 150 students? Which option shows the solution of the problem?

A. 150 + 5          B. 150 ÷ 5           C. 150 × 5          D. 150 – 5

See more math class 4 worksheets

  1. To get 35 as the quotient, what number is to be divided by 7?

A. 5                      B. 245                 C. 235                 D. 749


  1. 45.9 ÷ 15 = ?

A. 3.6                  B. 3.06               C. 36                   D. 0.36


  1. Find the quotient.


A. 219 R – 2      B. 239 R – 3     C. 239                 D. 239 R – 2


  1. 235 ÷ 3 = ?

A. 78 R – 1        B. 78                   C. 78 R – 2        D. 77 R – 2


  1. Find the quotient.


A. 0.6                  B. 0.36               C. 0.62               D. 0.63


  1. Paula has some daffodils and tulips in her garden. She has 81 tulips. The daffodils are 3 times more than the tulips. How many daffodils are there in Paula's garden?

A. 27                   B. 35                   C. 243                 D. 24


  1. There are 24 hours in a day. There are 7 days in a week. How many hours are there in a week?

A. 166                 B. 168                 C. 240                D. 124


  1. Estimate the product by rounding each number to the nearest ten.

       38 × 44

A. 160                 B. 1,200             C. 1,600             D. 1,800


Answer Keys

(1)–D; (2)–B; (3)–B; (4)–B; (5)–D; (6)–A; (7)–D; (8)–C; (9)–B; (10)–C