
Addition and Subtraction Worksheet-10

maths worksheet

Addition & Subtraction Worksheet-10


  1. Dave spent Rs.78.99 on school supplies, Rs.123.75 on clothes and donated Rs.125 to the School Baseball Program. How much money did he spend altogether?

A. Rs.327.74     B. Rs.307.14     C. Rs.337.74     D. Rs.317


  1. This table shows enrollment records of the listed schools for the year 1999. See the table to answer this question. How many students were enrolled in Delhi Public School and D.A.V. School?

A. 10,222           B. 8,508             C. 9,508             D. 9,518

online math education-maths worksheets for fractions

  1. Mr. Joshi had Rs.65 in his wallet when he started shopping for his children. He bought Tanya two gifts costing Rs.12.50 each and Deepak three gifts at Rs.7.50 each. How much money does Mr. Joshi have left with after buying the gifts?

A. Rs.25             B. Rs.40             C. Rs.17.50        D. Rs.22.50


  1. The sum of two numbers is 672. If one number is 289, what is the other number?

A. 238                B. 383                C. 384                D. 393


  1. By how much is 1,250 greater than 755?

A. 495                 B. 595                 C. 475                 D. 399


  1. Rita drove 46 miles in two days. She drove 24 miles on first day. How many miles did she drive on second day?

A. 20 miles        B. 32 miles        C. 24 miles        D. 22 miles


A. 5                      B. 10                             C. 15                    D. 20

Maths worksheets  class 4 for fractions

A. 20                   B. 30                   C. 35                   D. 25


  1. It snowed 59 inches in year 2005 and 23 inches in year 2006. How much more snowfall was there in 2005?

A. 30 inches      B. 26 inches      C. 36 inches      D. 34 inches


A. 5                      B. 10                             C. 15                    D. 20


Answer Keys

(11)–A; (12)–C; (13)–C; (14)–B; (15)–A; (16)–D; (17)–D; (18)–B; (19)–C; (20)–A