
Verbs-can, could, be able to-Exercise-3

Practice Exercise-3


You are at a friend's house. What questions do you ask in these situations? Use can.

  1. You are bored. There is a radio in the room.

Can I listen to the radio -or- Can I turn on the radio?

  1.  You're hot. The window is closed. - _______ (open)

  2. You see an interesting book. You want to take it home with you to read. - _______ (borrow)

  3. You want to telephone your parents. - _______ (use)

  4. Your friend has a dog. You want to give it some food. - _______ (feed)

  5. You're thirsty. There is some orange juice in the fridge. - _______ (take)

  6. You want to go to the bathroom. - _______ (use)

  7. You need five pounds for a taxi. You will give it back tomorrow. - _______ (borrow)

  8. There is an interesting magazine on the table. - _______ (read)

  9. You have finished your drink. You want another one. - _______ (have)



  1. Can I listen to the radio? -or- Can I turn on the radio?

  2. Can I open the window?

  3. Can I borrow your book?

  4. Can I use your telephone?

  5. Can I feed your dog?

  6. Can I take the juice?

  7. Can I use the bathroom?

  8. Can I borrow money?

  9. Can I read the magazine?

  10. Can I have another drink?

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