
Pollution of air and water Worksheet-6

Pollution of air and water Worksheet-6


Multiple-Choice Question:

  1. Which of these play important role in causing air pollution?

(A) Thermal power plant           (B) Agricultural practice

(C) Automobiles                           (D) Industries

(E) Oil spill


  1. Which of these are adverse effects of air pollution on human?

(A) Blood pressure increases/decreases

(B) Life span decreases

(C) Liver cancer

(D) Respiratory disorders

(E) Slows down photosynthesis


  1. Select the appropriate measures to check air pollution.

(A) Harmful gases should be absorbed

(B) Industrial area should away from residential area

(C) Minimum use of fertilizers

(D) Excess use of fossil fuels

(E) Use of alternative energy resources


  1. What are the effects of global warming?

(A) Melting of ice on polar caps

(B) Cyclones and thunderstorms

(C) Increase water level of sea

(D) Earthquake

(E) Skin cancer in human and cattle


  1. What are the adverse effects of acid rain?

(A) Enhance the fertility of soil

(B) slows down the process of photosynthesis

(C) Dents are created in marbles

(D) Improves air quality


  1. What are the measures to prevent acid rain?

(A) Use of crude oil with less sulphur

(B) Use of Limestone method

(C) Planting of trees

(D) Optimum agriculture

(E) All


  1. What are the measures to prevent water pollution?

(A) Cleaning of drainage water

(B) Water mixed with excreta used for gobar gas plant

(C) Use of crude oil with less sulphur

(D) Use of natural energy resources

(E) Minimum use of fertilization and pesticides


Answer key:

  1. (A,C,D)

  2. (A,B,D)

  3. (A,B,E)

  4. (A,C)

  5. (B,C)

  6. (A,B)

  7. (A,B,E)