


  • Unpleasant, discomfort – causing sound from any source is called noise.
  • Sustained presence of harmful, unwanted, or annoying noise in the environment noise in the environment is called noise pollution.


Sources of noise pollution:

  • Any object that produces a noise is a potential source of noise pollution. Some examples are automobiles, blaring loudspeakers, television and radio, air coolers, and air conditioners.


Harmful effects of noise pollution:

  • Irritation and loss of concentration
  • Lack of sleep & hypertension
  • Ear damage and loss of hearing


Measures to reduce noise pollution:

  • The use of loudspeakers should be avoided.
  • People living in flats (and houses close to each other) should no talk too loudly or play the TV/music too loudly so as not to disturb their neighbors.
  • While driving, people should avoid playing loud music and using the horn unnecessarily.