
Science Olympiad Miscellaneous Worksheet-4

Science Olympiad Miscellaneous Worksheet-4


  1. Which of the following is the heaviest snake?

(a) King Cobra                              (b) Viper

(c) Anaconda                                 (d) Boa Constrictor


  1. Which of the following is the fastest growing plant?

(a) Ferns            (b) Coconut       (c) Banyan         (d) Bamboo


  1. Which of the following is the fastest land animal?

(a) Tiger             (b) Gazelle         (c) Antelope      (d) Cheetah


  1. Which of the following is the fastest fish?

(a) Shark                                        (b) Swordfish

(c) Bluefin Tuna                           (d) Cosmopolitan Sailfish


  1. Which of the following is the heaviest dog (breed)?

(a) Great Dane

(b) Bull Dog

(c) English Mastiff or St. Bernard

(d) Irish Wolfhound


  1. Which of the following is the longest bone in the human body?

(a) Back bone   (b) Ulna             (c) Humerus     (d) Femur


  1. Which of the following is the largest muscle in the human body?

(a) Cardiac Muscles                    (b) Calf Muscles

(c) Gluteus Maximus                   (d) Stapedius


  1. Which of the following is the largest predatory fish?

(a) Piranha                                    (b) Catfish

(c) Electric Eel                              (d) Great White Shark


  1. Which of the following is the fastest marine animal?

(a) Dolphin                                    (b) Squid

(c) Sperm Whale                          (d) Killer Whale


  1. Which of the following is the heaviest internal organ in the human body?

(a) Liver             (b) Heart           (c) Stomach      (d) Large intestine


  1. Which of the following are the longest cells in the human body?

(a) Megakaryocyte (blood cells)

(b) Nerve Cells (Neurons)

(c) Brain Cells

(d) WBC


  1. Which of the following is the most common blood group in humans?

(a) A+                 (b) AB+              (c) B+                 (d) O+


  1. Which of the following is the largest bird?

(a) Vulture        (b) Eagle            (c) Peacock       (d) Ostrich


  1. Which of the following is the largest carnivore on land?

(a) Lion              (b) Leopard       (c) Polar Bear   (d) Tiger


  1. Smallest bone in the human body:

(a) Ulna             (b) Humerus     (c) Tibia             (d) Stirrup


  1. Most common non-contagious disease:

(a) Malaria        (b) AIDS            (c) Cholera        (d) Tooth decay


  1. In atom bomb explosion, _______ energy is primarily converted into _______ energy.

(a) atomic, heat                            (b) atomic, sound

(c) chemical, atomic                    (d) chemical, light


  1. The property of plants to manufacture their food is known as _______.

(a) Autotrophism                         (b) Phototropism

(c) Phototaxis                                (d) Photokinesis


  1. _______ convert chemical energy to electrical energy.

(a) Battery cells                            (b) Bulbs

(c) Microwave ovens                   (d) Air conditioners


  1. Which is not a scavenger?

(a) Camel          (b) Vulture        (c) Hyaena        (d) Crow


Answer Key:

(1)-(c); (2)-(d); (1)-(d); (4)-(d); (5)-(c); (6)-(d); (7)-(c); (8)-(d); (9)-(d); (10)-(a); (11)-(b); (12)-(d); (13)-(d); (14)-(c); (15)-(d); (16)-(d); (17)-(a); (18)-(a); (19)-(a); (20)-(a)