
Environmental Science Worksheet-4

Environmental Science Worksheet-4


  1. How long does it take to convert decayed matter to turn into fossil fuels?

(a) Over thousands of years       (b) Over millions of years

(c) Over hundreds of years        (d) Over thousands of days


  1. What is the nitrogen cycle?

(a) A process where nitrogen gas passes from air to ocean to glaciers and back to the air again.

(b) A process where nitrogen gas passes from air to soil to organisms and back to the air again.

(c) Conversion of Nitrogen into Proteins.

(d) Conversion of Proteins into Nitrogen.


  1. What device is used to detect and measure the magnitude of the earthquake?

(a) Earthquake meter                 (b) Seismograph

(c) Quake meter                           (d) Motion sensor


  1. What is the layer below the Earth's hard crust?

(a) Mantle                                      (b) Molten rock

(c) Underground Oceans            (d) Lava


  1. What do consumers eat in an ecosystem?

(a) Food produced by decomposers or other animals that eat plants.

(b) Food produced by producers or other animals that eat plants.

(c) Only other animals that eat plants.

(d) Only food produced by producers.


  1. What is the role of decomposers in an ecosystem?

(a) They produce dead plants or animals.

(b) They decompose, or break down, carbon dioxide into carbon and oxygen.

(c) They decompose, or break down, dead plants or animals.

(d) They consume, or eat, plants or animals.


  1. What is the hardness of a mineral?

(a) a measure of how well a mineral resists scratching.

(b) a measure of how easily a mineral breaks.

(c) a measure of how well a mineral resists bending.

(d) a measure of how well a mineral resists melting.


  1. What is an ore?

(a) Soft minerals are called ore.        

(b) Hard minerals are called ore.

(c) An ore is a rock that contains valuable minerals such as compounds of iron or aluminum.

(d) An ore is a rock that contains nonvaluable minerals such as compounds of iron or aluminum.


  1. What is a stimulus?

(a) It is a thing in the environment that causes animals and plant to react.

(b) It is a thing in the environment that causes machines to react.

(c) It is a thing in the earth's surface that produce energy.

(d) It is a kind of reaction to the gravity.


  1. What happens when a stimulus is applied to a plant or animal?

(a) They produce oxygen            (b) They grow wider

(c) They produce a response      (d) None of the above


Answer Key:

(1)–(b); (2)–(b); (3)–(b); (4)–(a); (5)–(b); (6)–(c); (7)–(a); (8)–(c); (9)–(a); (10)–(c)