
Nutrition in Animals Worksheet-3

Nutrition in Animals Worksheet-3


True or False.

  1. Plants photosynthesize using sunlight, air, and carbon dioxide to manufacture their own food.


  1. The pseudopodia of amoeba completely enclose the food forming small cavities called food vacuoles.


  1. There are 4 incisors, 4 canines, 2 premolars, and 6 molars in each jaw.


  1. The digestive juices help in the breakdown of fat into simpler forms.


  1. Peristaltic movement helps to move the food down into a large sac-like muscular organ called the oesophagus.


  1. Common remedy for hiccups is drinking a glass of cold water.


  1. Consumption of infected food or unclean water can result in a condition called Dysentery


  1. Reticulum is the last chamber of the stomach.


  1. The mouth of a bird is modified into a peak, which helps it to catch food and tear or crack it.


  1. Molars are large back teeth having a wide grinding surface and are used primarily to chew food.


  1. Tiny holes called cavity appear on the surface of the enamel, which slowly get bigger until one large hole appears.


  1. The tongue has a very important sense organ and has taste buds that help to sense tastes.


  1. Digestion of food takes place in the large intestine where the secretions of the liver and pancreas are released.


  1. The lining of the small intestine has finger-like projections called villi.


  1. The World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended a simple ORS remedy that can be made at home by simply adding salt and sugar in water.


Answer Key:

  1. False
  2. True
  3. False
  4. False
  5. False
  6. True
  7. False
  8. False
  9. False
  10. True
  11. True
  12. True
  13. False
  14. True
  15. True