Habitat of the Living Worksheet-3
(A) Streamlined body shape
(B) Wings that look like bird’s wings
(C) Flaps of featherless skin between their front and back legs
(A) Layer of fat or blubber around their body
(B) Webbed feet
(C) Oil stored in their livers
(A) Streamlined body shape
(B) Nostrils (blowholes) located on the top of their heads
(C) Flaps of featherless skin between their front and back legs
(A) Layer of fat or blubber around their body
(B) Long, muscular neck and long, flexible tongue
(C) Wings that look like flippers
(A) Hooves with a soft, spongy, inner pad surrounded by a hard, outer rim
(B) Webbed feet
(C) Oil stored in their livers
(A) Long, muscular neck and long, flexible tongue
(B) Wings that look like flippers
(C) Flaps of featherless skin between their front and back legs
(A) Odd-toed (three toes) ungulates, which means they are mammals that have hooves.
(B) Streamlined body shape
(C) Nostrils (blowholes) located on the top of their heads
(A) Long, powerful legs
(B) Produces very little sweat and urine
(C) Fur turns white during the cold snowy winter months
(A) Hooves with a soft, spongy, inner pad surrounded by a hard, outer rim
(B) Long, muscular neck and long, flexible tongue
(C) Nostrils (blowholes) located on the top of their heads
(A) Long, powerful legs
(B) Produces very little sweat and urine
(C) Fur turns white during the cold snowy winter months
Answer Key:
(1)–(A); (2)–(B); (3)–(C); (4)–(B); (5)–(C); (6)–(B); (7)–(A); (8)–(A); (9)–(C); (10)–(B)