
Ratio and Proportions Worksheet-7

Ratio and Proportions Worksheet-7


  1. Victor takes 15 minutes to reach school from his house and David takes one hour to reach school from his house. Find the ratio of the time taken by Victor to the time taken by David.

(a)                    (b)                   (c)                    (d)


  1. Which option shows two equivalent ratios of 6 : 4?

(a)             (b)         (c)           (d) None of these


  1. Which of the following is equal to 200 g : 1 kg 500 g?

(a)                    (b)                   (c)                  (d)


  1. Find the value of x.

(a) 12                  (b) 8                    (c) 18                  (d) 4


  1. Ratio of number of red marbles to number of blue marbles is 3 : 5. If there are 150 blue marbles, what is the number of red marbles?

(a) 100               (b) 60                  (c) 45                  (d) 90


  1. If two ratios are equal then their ____.

(a) Product of means is equal to antecedents

(b) Product of means is equal to product of extremes

(c) Antecedents are equal to consequents

(d) Product of extremes is equal to consequents


  1. The ratio of two lengths A and B is 4 : 3. If B is 1.5 m long, then find the length of A.

(a) 1 m                (b) 0.5 m           (c) 2 m               (d) 2.5 m


  1. If a : b :: c : d, then which of the following statements is correct?

(a) b × a = c × d                            (b)  abc = d

(c)  b × c = a × d                           (d)  c × a = b × d


  1. A car travels 87 miles in 3 hours. What is the distance covered by the car in 5 hours?

(a)  140 miles    (b) 145 miles     (c) 120 miles     (d) 160 miles


  1. What is the ratio of the length of a side of a square to its perimeter?

(a) 1 : 2               (b) 4 : 3              (c) 2 : 3              (d) 1 : 4


Answer Key:

  1. (d)
  2. (a)
  3. (c)
  4. (b)
  5. (d)
  6. (b)
  7. (c)
  8. (c)
  9. (b)
  10. (d)