
English Olympiad Grammar Worksheet-54

The complete course of grammar Worksheet-54


  1. Choose the verb and the direct object.

Please bring me a salad from the sandwich shop on the corner.

A. please, bring                             B. bring, salad

C. bring, sandwich                       D. bring,corner


  1. Complete the following sentence with the correct Pronoun-Antecedent agreement:

Several of the police officers spent _____ holidays volunteering at the new community center.

A. their               B. his                  C. hers                D. theirs


  1. Complete the following sentence with the correct Pronoun-Antecedent agreement:

This is the boy _____was late.

A. he                   B. it                     C. who                D. which


  1. Complete the following sentence with the correct Pronoun-Antecedent agreement

None of the employees should reveal_____ password to anyone.

A. his                  B. her                  C. their               D. theirs


  1. Complete the following sentence with the correct Pronoun-Antecedent agreement

Each of my sisters has_____ own pogo stick.

A. their               B. his                  C. her                  D. hers


  1. In the following sentence pick out the ADVERB.

These rocks and dust grains sometimes enter the earth's atmosphere.

A. these              B. atmosphere  C. sometimes    D. dust


  1. In the following sentence, pick out the ADVERB.

Akash whispered softly to him.

A. whispered     B. softly              C. to                    D. Akash


  1. What type of sentence is the following?

Because her school computer had internet access, Sarah could learn more about global warming and pollution.

A. simple                                        B. compound

C. complex                                     D. compound complex


  1. What type of sentence is the following?

I hurried over to Varun's house and met Jai on the way.

A. simple                                        B. compound

C. complex                                     D. compound complex


  1. What type of sentence is the following?

He heard the news and set off at once.

A. simple                                        B. compound

C. complex                                     D. compound complex


Answer Key:

  1. B

  2. A

  3. C

  4. C

  5. C

  6. C

  7. B

  8. C

  9. B

  10. B