
English Olympiad Grammar Worksheet-16

The complete course of grammar Worksheet-16


  1. Identify the part of speech of the word in the bracket.

The puppy looked at us (sadly).

A. Verb               B. Adverb          C. Noun              D. Pronoun


  1. Identify the part of speech of the word in the bracket.

He (offered) Ramu kaka immense rewards for his services.

A. Noun              B. Adverb          C. Verb               D. Pronoun


  1. Identify the part of speech of the word in the bracket.

(My) ring has lost its shine.

A. Pronoun        B. Noun              C. Verb               D. Adverb


  1. Identify the part of speech of the word in the bracket.

he held the little baby (carefully) in her arms.

A. Verb               B. Pronoun        C. Noun              D. Adverb


  1. Identify the part of speech of the word in the bracket.

Jaya worked (hard) to win the competition.

A. Verb               B. Pronoun        C. Adverb          D. Adjective


  1. Identify the part of speech of the word in the bracket.

Our class participated in the Country (Art and Craft Show).

A. Pronoun        B. Adverb          C. Verb               D. Noun


  1. Identify the part of speech of the word in the bracket.

The (crowd) cheered in support of the athletes.

A. Noun              B. Pronoun        C. Adverb          D. Verb


  1. Mr. Walia didn't like the _____.

A. arrange                                      B. arranged

C. arrangement                            D. arranging


  1. Those TV shows are not _____.

A. educated       B. educates        C. educating      D. educational


  1. Which is the _____ snake in the world?

A. longest           B. long                C. longer            D. most longest


Answer Key:

  1. B

  2. C

  3. A

  4. D

  5. D

  6. D

  7. A

  8. C

  9. D

  10. A